Bartzella Peony
Bloomerang® Dark Purple Lilac
Blue Angel Hosta
Blue Muffin® Arrowwood Viburnum
Blushing Bride® Hydrangea
Angelica Blue Juniper
Apricot Drift® Rose
Baby Cakes® Blackberry by Bushel and Berry®
Beauty of Moscow Lilac
Admiration Barberry
Adrian's Compact Japanese Maple 2-4ft
All Gold Japanese Forest Grass
Amethyst Falls Wisteria Vine
Aphrodite Sweetshrub Calycanthus
Kaleidoscope Bicolor Butterfly Bush
Blue Chiffon® Hibiscus 'Rose of Sharon'
Olympic Fire Mountain Laurel
Little Lime Punch Hydrangea
Keepsake Mountain Laurel
April Dawn Camellia
April Rose Camellia
April Snow Camellia
FULL SPEED A HEDGE® American Pillar Arborvitae
FAIRYTRAIL BRIDE® Cascade Hydrangea
Grin and Tonic™ Reblooming Hydrangea
Snow-N-Summer™ Asiatic Jasmine
Lenten Rose 'Ice N' Roses' Bianco White
Lenten Rose HGC® Pink Frost®
Pink Perfection Camellia
Double Take™ Scarlet Storm Quince
Legend of the Fall® Bottlebrush
L.A. Dreamin' Hydrangea
Elf Mountain Laurel
Minuet Mountain Laurel
Raspberry Glow Mountain Laurel
Ruby Slippers Hydrangea
Incrediball® Arborescens Hydrangea
White Wedding® Hydrangea
Purple Passion Rhododendron
Capistrano Rhododendron
Percy Wiseman Rhododendron
Nova Zembla Rhododendron
Chionoides Rhododendron
Seafoam Camellia
Green Mountain Boxwood
Sprinter® Boxwood
Green Velvet Boxwood
Wedding Ring Boxwood
Unraveled Weeping Boxwood
Blueberry Smoothie™ Hibiscus 'Rose of Sharon'
Peppermint Smoothie™ Hibiscus 'Rose of Sharon'
Pink Chiffon® Hibiscus 'Rose of Sharon'
Lil' Kim® Hibiscus 'Rose of Sharon'
Summer Snow Gardenia
Frost Proof Gardenia
Double Mint Gardenia
Snow Puff Gardenia
Crown Jewel Gardenia
Crimson Doll™ Lilac
Black Knight Butterfly Bush
Miss Molly Butterfly Bush
Pugster White® Butterfly Bush
Pugster Blue® Butterfly Bush
Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar
Weeping Norway Spruce
Fire and Ice Hosta
Spring Torch Heather
Winter Jewels® Painted Doubles Lenten Rose
Climbing Hydrangea Vine
Nuccio's Pearl Camellia
Dwarf Alberta Spruce
Double Play® Blue Kazoo® Spirea
Gold Mop Cypress
King's Gold Cypress
Little Lime Hydrangea
Morgan Arborvitae
Moonrock Hydrangea
Coral Bark Japanese Maple 3-4ft
Orangeola Japanese Maple 2-3ft
Autumn Moon Japanese Maple
Crescent Moon Japanese Maple
Tamukeyama Japanese Maple 2-3 ft
Gold Cone Juniper
Edgeworthia Chrysantha Paperbush
Black Tower™ Elderberry
Raspberry Shortcake® Bush by Bushel and Berry®
Peach Sorbet® Blueberry by Bushel and Berry®
Jelly Bean® Blueberry by Bushel and Berry®
Show Off® Forsythia
Double Take™ Peach Storm Quince
Variegated Winter Daphne
Large unique plants - Free shipping orders over 50$
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This collection of plants is known to survive planting zone 8 winter temperatures.
Radiance Abelia
Red Dragon Japanese Maple 2-3 ft
Red Drift® Rose
Red Fellow Camellia
Ribbon Candy Deciduous Azalea
Ribbon Leaf Japanese Maple 2-4ft
Romany Camellia
Rose Creek Abelia
Royal Purple Smokebush
Setsugekka Camellia
Shishi Gashira Camellia