Beauty of Moscow Lilac
SYRINGA vulgaris ‘Krasavitsa Moskvy’
Noted for its unique color, Beauty of Moscow is a deciduous shrub has a large upright habit featuring heavily fragrant showy flowers during the late spring - early summer. Its unique bicolor effect is composed of a duet of white florets with a pale pink hue. Its heart shaped light green leaves create a breathtaking contrast that lasts throughout the blooming season and summer. It is perfect for sunny borders planted with different flowering plants of variable bloom times. It loves full sun which is where it generates the most floral appeal. In terms of maintenance you can do as little or as much as you like. Pruning should be done following their blooming season but is not necessary. Being an upright growing shrub, they do reach a mature height of 8-12 feet and are hardy in zones 3 through 7. It was developed by a Russian Hybridizer, Leonid Kolesnikov, in 1943 and is now considered one of the most sought after lilacs.