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We sell happy, healthy plants. Lots of them.

We are passionate about providing customers with large, healthy plants that are ready to be planted into your landscape and thrive for years to come.

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Summer Snow Gardenia

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Introducing Snowdrift!

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Last Chance to Plant the Kaleidoscope Bicolor Butterfly Bush This Season!

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Planting Soil, which type should I use?

There are many planting soils out there. Which one should use? Why do they have so many different names? Is it ok to use the cheap stuff? What is root stimulator? There is a lot of confusion out there for sure, we hope to clear thing up now...

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How to Take Care of Quart Sized Plants

Quart sized shrubs and trees are not ready to plant in native soil and need additional time and attention while growing in a pot. This year we would like to offer some plants in smaller containers even though they will not be ready to plant in the ground. This blog contains instructions on how to take care of these young plants if you prefer to grow them to landscape ready size yourself.

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