- Published: Aug 23, 2024
- Written by liliwang
- Topics: discount Fall Planting SUMMER CLEARANCE

Our Summer Clearance is going strong. Those of you who have taken advantage of best of the year discounts, congratulations! If you have not made your purchases yet, be advised that quantities are becoming limited and that the sale end on August 31st.
Link to Clearance Page:
Its still summertime but some areas of the country need to be planting soon and especially in September. If you live in planting zones 4 5 or 6, please plant your fall plantings as soon as possible and defiantly by the end of September. Once the cold weather hits in these areas, plants stop growing roots, your new plantings need as much time as possible to grow enough roots to survive the first winter. If you live in zone 7 8 or 9, your fall planting season starts in September and lasts throughout winter. In these warmer zones your new plants will be less stressed than in spring and summer as they will grow roots with ease throughout the coldest months of the year. For full information on planting in each zone, please visit our blog section where you will find complete and helpful information about the best to plant and many other useful topics. Link to blog section is here:
Below I have highlighted several collections that are popular and advisable to be planting in the fall season.
Thank you and Happy Planting!!