Articles written by us for you, Happy Planting!
Topic: Friday Feature

Aug 2, 2023
Planting in zone 7.
We absolutely love living and growing our plants in USDA planting zone 7. We are so lucky in that we can plant almost any time of the year, even in the dead of winter. Here in planting zone 7, our soil rarely freezes therefore we are lucky enough to have root growth throughout the fall and winter. Cool season root growth helps our new fall or winter plantings survive the following summer season.

Feb 3, 2020
Friday Feature Plant: Long Island Pink Camellia
The Long Island Pink Camellia has become a stable for hedges, screens, containers and as a specimen plant. A reliable mid-Fall bloomer, this camellia produces lovely soft, single pink blooms with golden stamens that appear through November.

Oct 20, 2019
Friday Feature Plant: Snow Panda Loropetalum
Also known as a fringe flower, the 'Snow Panda' Loropetalum is a hardy evergreen with a loosely shaped vase growth habit. This beautiful plant is attractive as a hedge, in a border or in containers.

Oct 6, 2019
Friday Feature Plant: Autumn Bonfire™ Encore® Azalea
A new addition to the Encore® azalea family, Autumn Bonfire™ is fast-growing dwarf azalea with red blooms in the spring and fall.

Sep 29, 2019
Friday Feature Plant: Munchkin Hydrangea
The Munchkin Hydrangea is a beloved addition to this flowering group with its many flowers and sturdy growth habit. Growing quickly to approximately 3 feet in height, even after heavy rains, the profuse flowers will hold strong. Abundant blooms open white in early summer and gradually turn medium pink.