Plants that Prefer Fall Planting!

Plants that Prefer Fall Planting!

During the cooler months of Fall there is a group of plants that prefer to be planted now instead of in spring or especially in summer. Planting most evergreens during fall will increase your long term success rate when growing these drought tolerant beauties. Mountain Laurel, Camellia, Rhododendron, Azalea, and Gardenia all prefer less water and cooler soil their first year after planting. They will grow roots all winter without much effort and little need for additional watering. All shrubs and trees love fall planting but these five groups really love fall. Today we are highlighting our Mountain Laurel offerings. This year we are lucky to have large healthy plants all offered in 3 gallon pot and well rooted. Be sure to use well drained soil and mulch before winter.

Link to all "Good Fall Color"
