Lots of Plants Soil Conditioner- 1 Cubic Foot
Lots of Plants Soil Conditioner + micronutrients
We know that by planting your new plantings with our exclusive growing medium, you will have better and more consistent success in your garden this coming season. Each bag of our soil conditioner contains one cubic foot of planting medium which is the perfect amount of soil for two or three 3 gallon sized plants. Our soil conditioner is premixed with the perfect amount of slow release fertilizer, pulverized limestone, micronutrients, and course sand. We use this soil mixture exclusively when growing our plants in pots and again when planting them into the landscape. Many of our plants prefer well drained soil, our soil conditioner is the perfect way to give any plant a great start in its new home.
Once the hole has been dug, you may use our soil mixed with your native soil by appx 50% for each plant. Be sure to mix-up our soil with your soil before putting it back into the hole. And when your all done, add some mulch to help prevent weeds during summer and keep the roots warm during winter.