Morgan Arborvitae
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Morgan Arborvitae

Morgan Arborvitae

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Thuja orientalis 'Morgan'

Native to Australia and cultivated by Mal Morgan in the 1970's in Sydney, the 'Morgan' Chinese Arborvitae has become a favorite among dwarf conifer enthusiasts. Its captivating, evolving displays of color mimic that of a chameleon: the summer foliage is lime green, which changes to purple in the fall. As cold sets in, it adopts a rich orange color that stands out against the drab grey of winter. The Morgan thuja keeps a true dwarf size--growing no taller than 4 feet and 2 feet wide.  An excellent addition to a rock garden or unique specimen plant. Or during the winter, try in a container surrounded by magnolia leaves and holly berries for a festive display.

Joseph's Take

Joseph's Take

Morgan is my new favorite plant for large containers as it can handle most winters, only gets 4 feet tall, and has interest in every season. As with most Arborvitae, evolving temperatures change their foliage color more than most plants. Our 7 gallon Morgan are appx 3' tall which is almost full grown.

Hardiness Map
Mature Height: 4'
Mature Width: 2'
Flower Season: Does not flower
Sun: Full sun to part shade
Hardiness Zone: 5 to 8
This plant is suitable for the low temperates below:
Temp (F)
Temp (C)
-20 to -10
-28.9 to -23.3
-10 to 0
-23.3 to -17.8
0 to 10
-17.8 to -12.2
10 to 20
-12.2 to -6.7