Low Scape Mound® Aronia
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Low Scape Mound® Aronia

Low Scape Mound® Aronia

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Aronia melanocarpa 'UCONNAM165' USPP 28,789


This little gem of a shrub was chosen by Proven Winners as their landscape shrub of the year in 2019. Low Scape Mound Aronia, as they call it, is native to North America, can grow is a very diverse climate, and thrive in many soil types. Being deciduous, this dwarf chokeberry makes up for its bare winter by providing beautiful white flower clusters in spring. It's leaves are fast to develop and look almost like a dwarf Hawthorne by summer. Later in the season, the leaves turn a bright red after the berries have formed to provide a treat for the birds. Low Scape Mound can be planted as a bird attracting accent or in mass planting to along a front sidewalk.

Hardiness Map
Mature Height: 2'
Mature Width: 2'
Flower Season: Spring
Sun: Full sun to part shade
Hardiness Zone: 3 to 9
This plant is suitable for the low temperates below:
Temp (F)
Temp (C)
-40 to -30
-40.0 to -34.4
-30 to -20
-34.4 to -28.9
-20 to -10
-28.9 to -23.3
-10 to 0
-23.3 to -17.8
0 to 10
-17.8 to -12.2
10 to 20
-12.2 to -6.7
20 to 30
-6.7 to -1.1