Invincibelle Wee White® Hydrangea
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Invincibelle Wee White® Hydrangea

Invincibelle Wee White® Hydrangea

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Hydrangea arborescens 'NCHA5' USPP 30,296


Invincibelle Wee White® hydrangea is positively ground-breaking: it's the first dwarf 'Annabelle' type hydrangea in the world! This cute little landscape plant ensures that any landscape can enjoy the reliability, low-maintenance, and season-long beauty of hydrangeas. Each pure-white flower is held up on a strong, supportive stem for a display that looks more like a bouquet of flowers than a landscape plant. Blooming begins in early summer and continues through frost, with new flowers appearing the whole time.

Hardiness Map
Mature Height: 2'
Mature Width: 2'
Flower Season: Summer
Sun: Full Shade to part sun
Hardiness Zone: 3 to 8
This plant is suitable for the low temperates below:
Temp (F)
Temp (C)
-40 to -30
-40.0 to -34.4
-30 to -20
-34.4 to -28.9
-20 to -10
-28.9 to -23.3
-10 to 0
-23.3 to -17.8
0 to 10
-17.8 to -12.2
10 to 20
-12.2 to -6.7