Friday Feature Plant: Boursault Rhododendron
- Published: Sep 1, 2019
- Written by JOSEPH PLITT
- Topics: Friday Feature Our Plants Rhododendron

The Boursault Rhododendron has large bell shaped flowers of a pinkish purple with spots of green on the throat that appear in spring and early summer. This rhododendron is a medium sized evergreen shrub that has large, glossy, dark green leaves. Growing to a mature height of 6 to 8 feet tall and wide, this deer-resistant plant is a perfect addition to a lightly shaded woodland gardens or foundations facing north. The Boursault Rhododendron pairs nicely with other woodland plants, such as hydrangea, bleeding heart, astilbe, and coral bells.
Most rhododendron thrive in part shade and moist, acidic soil that is well drained. They are susceptible to a wide variety of fungal diseases and insect pests and will be more at risk if not provided with the correct growing conditions. Leaves can sometimes experience sun and wind damage if exposed to harsh winter conditions.