Kaleidoscope Abelia
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Kaleidoscope Abelia

Kaleidoscope Abelia

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Abelia x grandiflora 'Kaleidoscope' PP#16988


Abelia Kaleidoscope variegated foliage shows off bright, centered lime-green color and yellow outer edged colored leaves in the spring, then transforms into an intense gold with the summer months, then with fall and winter its blaze red and crimsons come to light. More sun brings out the deepest colors through the seasons. With spring, pink buds appear that mature into a beautiful ivory white flower by fall. At full maturity, this evergreen will reach a height and width of 3 feet.  




Joseph's Take

Joseph's Take

I especially love planting and lightly colored dwarf abelia in front of larger dark green shrubs, the dark green leaves help pop the yellow color making a great contrast. Encore Azaleas would be a great choice since they bloom early while the abelia blooms in September. I recommended a few in the "Goes Well With" below.

Hardiness Map
Mature Height: 3'
Mature Width: 3'
Flower Season: Fall
Sun: Full sun
Hardiness Zone: 6 to 9
This plant is suitable for the low temperates below:
Temp (F)
Temp (C)
-10 to 0
-23.3 to -17.8
0 to 10
-17.8 to -12.2
10 to 20
-12.2 to -6.7
20 to 30
-6.7 to -1.1