Introducing Snowdrift!
- Published: Jul 15, 2024
- Written by liliwang
- Topics: Snowdrift

Snowdrift Mountain Laurel!
We are so happy to announce that we are finally able to offer a brand new Mountain Laurel! Mountain Laurels in general have been one of our most popular plants over the years and white colored flowers within are the most poplar of all. We have struggled to grow enough of these recently and after two years of waiting, we finally have a very nice crop of Snowdrift Kalmia. They have larger leaves and grow a little faster than Elf reaching a mature height of four feet. As with and mountain Laurel or Rhododendron, please plant them higher and in well drained soil. They're roots do not like to stay moist and prefer drying out between watering. If you have ever considered buying Lots of Plants Soil Conditioner, now is the time. It is available in the cart page for your convivence, you will need 1 cubic foot per plant that likes well drained soil.
Most of our new crop of Mountain Laurel have been released in 3 gallon which happens every year about this time. Minuet, Olympic Fire, Raspberry Glow are all available in 3 gallon now!
Our monthly activity page has been updated as well. This time we are letting you all know that when you are building you lovely gardens, natural stone accents can make a huge positive addition to you efforts. We have been adding many new items including river stone, patio/path stone, wall stone, and thick stepping stones for hills. Below are a couple of the most recent additions with more to come. If you have a specific project in mind and need advice about what to do, please let us know. We love photos of your garden!
Thank you as Always and Happy Planting!!