Camellia japonica 'April Rose'
'April Rose' camellia is perhaps one of the most beautiful members of the 'April' series of cold hardy, spring-blooming camellias introduced by Dr. Clifford Parks. Most notable are its picturesque formal double, multilayered flowers, which most often are solid pink to slightly red, but can have some white accents. Blooms between January and April. Plant in shade to dappled sun with some protection from wind and hot afternoon sun. If you like to have a source for fantastic cut flowers, plant this camellia--you won't have to wait until summer to have some roses!
Be sure to use a well drained soil medium when planting any Camellia as they prefer less watering than you might think. In NC our soil is clay so we prefer to use pine bark soil conditioner when planting Camellia, Rhododendron, Mountain Laurel, and Azalea.