Wedding Ring Boxwood
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Wedding Ring Boxwood

Wedding Ring Boxwood

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Buxus microphylla var. koreana 'Eseles' USPP 22,328


'Wedding Ring' boxwood is a Korean variety of box that features glossy, variegated foliage with a lime green border that turns golden in the summer. It displays greater disease resistance than American and English boxwoods and is deer resistant. 'Wedding Ring' matures to a very manageable size--between 1 to 3 feet tall and wide--suitable for a low hedge or to use in small spaces such as a courtyard or urban patio.  Try planting in colorful containers embellished with trailing annuals or solid green ivy to create an attractive and welcoming entrance to your home.  

Hardiness Map
Mature Height: 3'
Mature Width: 3'
Flower Season: does not flower
Sun: full sun to full shade
Hardiness Zone: 5 to 9
This plant is suitable for the low temperates below:
Temp (F)
Temp (C)
-20 to -10
-28.9 to -23.3
-10 to 0
-23.3 to -17.8
0 to 10
-17.8 to -12.2
10 to 20
-12.2 to -6.7
20 to 30
-6.7 to -1.1