Narihira Mahonia
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Narihira Mahonia

Narihira Mahonia

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Narihira Mahonia


Narihira Mahonia has dense, threadleaf/bamboo like, dark green foliage that create a fern-like appearance. Yellow flower spikes appear in winter and are followed by purple-blue berries early spring. Reaching a mature height and width of 3 to 4 feet this carefree evergreen tolerates dry shade in cooler climates. It grows to be slightly taller than Soft Caress and a little shorter than Marvel. All three mahonia look their best when left to grow naturally, no trimming needed. 

Hardiness Map
Mature Height: 4'
Mature Width: 4'
Flower Season: Winter
Sun: Full Shade
Hardiness Zone: 7 to 10
This plant is suitable for the low temperates below:
Temp (F)
Temp (C)
0 to 10
-17.8 to -12.2
10 to 20
-12.2 to -6.7
20 to 30
-6.7 to -1.1
30 to 40
-1.1 to 4.4